Fishing Report Archives
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 200412-25-06 This Christmas holiday we have much to be thankful for- high water & fresh chrome being two of the most important! The last week has been some of the warmest temps I can ever remember for late December here in the U.P.-runoff has the rivers up about a foot which has brought in some more fish to entertain us for the Winter months! The runoff has caused the water to have a perfect stain that has fish once again grabbing eggs for lunch. Once the rivers begin to subside fish will move back to normal Winter lies-right now fish are where ever they can rest easily. The forecast is looking more favorable for fishing than skiing- so enjoy the warm weather & get the Steelhead rod out of the closet! Thanks to everyone who made the 2006 season a success- your patronage is highly appreciated & not overlooked! Merry Christmas & Happy new Year-it's time to begin a New Year of memories on the river! 12-07-06 Downright frigid temps & snow have moved in accross the U.P. creating a scenario that feels a little bit more like Winter than last week! Over the past week I don't beleive that the mercury has risen above 24 degrees & about a foot a fresh snow has fallen. This Winter weather has dropped water temps & pushed the Steelhead/Trout into the wood to hide from the cold! Despite the cold water temps fishing has been quite productive- fish are in Winter lies and well presented drifts have been rewarded with some nice fish in the net this last week! A mixed bag of fish this last week had us guessing as to what was on the end of the line when we set the hook! Lake Run Brown Trout have been quite cooperative chasing a well presented streamer- sculpins have been the meal ticket of choise. Not to often we see a Lake run as large as the one in the photo below- this lady fell victim to a sculpin swung on the spey rod. This next weeks forecast is calling for a warm-up with the chance of some rain showers. A Steelheaders delight- an ealry December rain! 11-27-06 Unseasonably warm temps over the last week has made for enjoyably nice weather to spend a day on the river! Some very fresh fish have been entering the rivers still- this is setting us up for a good Winter fishery. It is hard to remember in recent history when we have had such a warming trend in late November like this-doesn't make the deer hunters happy but the fisherman are smiling! The warm weather has bumped up stream water temps-this small increase in water temps has Steelhead & Trout interested in grabbing a meal more frequently than last week. Egg patterns still tend to be outfishing everything else- muted colors have been best. Winter Steelheading in the U.P.-let the games begin! 11-17-06 Pleasant temps accross the U.P. this past week have made for consistent conditions that results in good fishing! Early in the week we received some much needed rain that gave a small bit of color to the rivers which resulted in a few new Steelhead to contend with. Fall/Early Winter Steelheading in in full swing currently with Salmon numbers nearing non existence & water temps @ 38 degrees. The egg bite is still the most wanted in the menu of flies-not much interest in nymphs yet. The weather trend is supposed to stay put for the next week from the looks of things with some minor snow-fishing should remain solid! Nice weather & chrome Steel- a yooper holiday! 11-05-06 The forecast is calling for a warming trend over the next 4 days here accross the U.P.-after this past week of hurricane force winds & polar like temps this heat wave is happily accepted! The past week the egg bite has still been on as there is still actively spawning salmon. The colder water temps (upper 30's) have Steelhead moving out from in back of spawning Salmon to slower water that requires less energy to rest in. This is a transitional time to be on the river- we are changing over from a Fall fishery to a Winter fishery daily. Fresh fish can still be found just about in any dark water- but fish that have been in the river for some time are finding the water that it is easy to rest & grab a meal! Decision 2006- it's almost time! No not the elections- Deer hunting or Chrome Steelhead during mid November !!! Give us a call/email to hook the meanest Steel of the year- we guarantee it's more fun than of sitting in a deer blind starring at a bait pile! 10-26-06 Snow, hail, rain, wind & frigid mornings - a few of the elements that have it feeling like Steelhead season here in the Upper Peninsula! This past week a brisk cold front moved through that gave us some more precipitation that has kept the rivers up a bit & brought in some more chrome up to enjoy. Water temps are hovering around the 42 degree mark & there is still plenty of Salmon around to create the egg smorgasbord for the Steel to dine on! This years run of Salmon has been downright unreal - it is almost November & daily we are catching fresh fish. Currently the Steelhead are just about everywhere- dark water, in back of spawning salmon, & seams. If it looks fishy it's worth a drift! Steelhead in the morning- a great way to start your day! 10-18-06 Colder air temp's & precipitation has the streams accross the U.P. in prime late Fall conditions currently. A good amount of snow/rain has given the rivers a slight stain, water temps in the mid to upper 40's & some much needed water which has resulted in a fresh batch of fish to enjoy! Just when we thought the final push of Chinook had arrived last week- yet another wave of fish have entered the rivers in the last couple days. These fresh Chinook & the angry Steelhead that have been hooked have made for some fun days on the river! The menu is still mainly consisting of eggs- with the large amount of spawning fish in the rivers the Steelhead are focusing on the easy meal. The forecast is calling for wet weather for the next week which should keep the fish headed upstream-more chrome on the way!!! 10-09-06 Sunshine & 80 degree weather in October in the U.P.- seems more like the middle of summer than Salmon/Steelhead season! This last week the Salmon made a good push upstream to begin their spawning. Some Chinook this year I would rate as supersize, mega, or even downright giants- this years class of fish is the biggest I have ever witnessed here in the U.P.! From this wave of fish some have hit the gravel & this has created a fair amount of eggs in the rivers. Fresh eggs bouncing along the river bottom makes for an easy meal-hold on when a chrome Steelhead decides he is hungry! These Steelhead are by far the hardest fighting Steelehad we catch all year- air, backing, & drag testing runs! Rain & snow predicted this week is making for absolutely perfect river conditions for another push of fish. Fall Steelhead- hold on & enjoy the ride! 10-04-06 Salmon, Steelhead, or Trout - important daily choices that one must make when fishing here in the Upper Peninsula! This time of the year it is almost overwhelming the amount of fun one can have chasing after the different species of fish avaialble. This last week more Salmon have been entering the river systems - high winds have made for some difficult conditions to target the surf though. The warm weather has been keeping water temp's fairly stable so for the most part fish have been reamaining in darker water during the sunny afternoons. A few Steelhead have been trickling in along with the Salmon - none to the net yet though as they have been in the air more than water then hooked! Trout fishing has been very productive - sunny calm days has been producing consistent Blue Winged Olive activity & streamer fishing continues to produce bent rods. Dry fly fishing in October- can it get any better! 09-24-06 The last week and a half has been quite the ride for me- I feel quite lucky to have been able to spend time casting the flyrod/guiding on the Kenai River in Alaska, stripping streamers for colored-up U.P. resident Trout, and Surf casting hardware & streamers for aggressive staging Chinooks! Across the U.P. the Fall colors are really starting to show as the days are getting noticeably shorter & the crisp mornings have U.P. residents changing the sparkplugs in their snowblowers! Resident Trout are getting near spawning time as the Trout season nears it's end- this last week we hooked several large fish that didn't manage to make it to the net. Nonetheless seeing these fish in full spawning colors is a great way to spend an afternoon in late September. Salmon continue to head towards the river mouths across both coasts of the U.P.- a few fish have entered the rivers but the majority of fish are still out in the big lake waiting for more rain & the rivers to cool a bit. A few peak dates are still available- Oct 9,11,13 &15 . There are several sections of rivers here in the U.P. that remain open all year- ask about our Fall streamer Trout fishing outings if Salmon fishing doesn't interest you! No people- only flyrods & Trout! Kenai River, Alaska- you have read about it since you were a kid & yes it is all true! Rainbow Trout that are the size of Steelhead & Dolly Vardon that would make a native Yooper cry! Spending a week with Alaska Troutfitters ( ) of Cooper Landing was a great way to get a sore arm & experience Alaska for the first time. Contact us for info on next years outing with Riversnorth & AK Troutfitters! See lower photos of report for Alaska pics. If you have been fishing the central U.P. over the last month & lost a object of value please contact us. A fellow fisherman has found an item & would like to return it to their rightful owner. TO FISH OR NOT TO FISH? A STUPID QUESTION!!!! 09-10-06 Cold evenings & some much needed rainfall across the U.P. have brought water temps down considerably in the last three days. The trees have begun to ever so slightly show some color and the Salmon are moving in closer to the rivers! Surf casting has been more productive as the fish are sniffing out their rivers of choice for spawning. Some large Coho have been taken offshore which is a great sign of what's to come for us in a few weeks. The resident Trout are also hungry- streamer fishing is picking up once again as the water temps are making for some exciting fishing! Summer is over here in the north woods & it's time to catch some big fish! Experience God's Country with a fly rod in your hand this Autumn! 08-27-06 Cooler weather has the ferns beginning to fade off in the woods and the Brook Trout thinking about their annual Fall spawning ritual. The Resident Brook Trout are beginning to get the brilliant spawning colors as the summer days fade to crisp Autumn days. The last week here in the U.P. has brought some chilly evenings and days that are making us enjoy every last bit of sunshine for the Summer. Nonetheless fishing has been absolutely great for this time of the year! Evening spinner falls have been producing some great rises that have brought some nice trout to the net here in the last week. The sound of Trout sipping size 18 spinners around you is a pleasant way to spend an evening in late August! Across the U.P. surf casting (salmon) has been hit or miss as winds have been rather heavy this last week making for some tough conditions. Not much longer & the extra large sized Salmon of Fall will be invading our streams! We guarantee Salmon fishing is more fun than working!! 08-10-06 The summer transition- days are beginning to get noticeably shorter & nights are getting cooler. The Ephrons(White Flies) have been coming off in good numbers-smaller Trout have been looking up for an easy meal floating by but the big guys have been only coming up sporadically. The water levels are about perfect & the cold nights have kept the temps good. This year versus last years waters levels are uncomparable-great for the Trout population (this upcoming season should be outstanding fishing!). Terrestrial fishing on the smaller creeks/rivers has been good as the hoppers are out in force. This should last for another couple weeks. The last week saw some more hot days- we switched our focus to some warmwater species to enjoy the beautiful weather. Topwater action for Bluegill provided lots of laughs as well as chasing some trophy Smallmouth on streamers. Nice to change it up & try your hand at some species that aren't normally on the menu! After a few days of some offshore winds it is the time of the year to start the surf casting campaign for early Chinook Salmon! This years Fall run of Salmon sounds as if it is going to be fun- big lake fisherman are reporting much larger (up to 25 lb's) Salmon & more of them! Imagine that on a flyrod!! Prime time outings still available from Sept.20 through October.
07-24-06 The fun continues on the St.Marys River as the Atlantic Salmon have continued to be quite frustrated when hooked! Bug activity has slowed down quite noticeably & the fish have beocme a bit more selective. Persistency & patience make for some great battles & will guarantee to put a smile on your face! Much needed rain & cooler temps have moved into the U.P. over the last few days to give us some reief from the heat wave we endured! This should bring the final push of Atlantics in to the river. Sunshine & leaping Atlantics- last chance for the summer! If Trout fishing is what your into- the hopper fishing is just starting & will continue to improve for the next month! Lots of fun to slap a hopper on the surface & watch as a hungry Brook Trout decides its time for dinner! 07-11-06 Angry, not happy, mean, & large - just a few words I can use to describe the Atlantic Salmon we have been encountering lately! The last week of fishing has been lots of fun here on the St.Marys River- the weather has been tropical and the bite has been on. The Hex hatch has reached it's max & the fish are very keyed in on insects. This past week we found out up close and personal how mean these fish can actually get! After having a few briefs meetings with fish Guy H. from Marquette hooked up and hollered "fish on"! I looked to my right to see an nice 8 lb. atlantic airborne about 10 feet from the boat. Then suddenly the line went limp as the fish ran directly at the boat- Guy reeled line quickley as the fish was rapidly approaching the boat. Then to our amazemnt the fish decided to jump a foot from the boat like a missle and landed directly in the boat with the fly still its mouth! Luckily no one was injured(fish or human) during the brawl!! Lots of open dates for late July & mid August for you to join in the fun! 07-03-06 Accross the U.P. the last week has been absolutely phenomenal weather to spend a day with a flyrod in your hand! The Hex hatch has started in the St.Marys River - this combined with heavy pressure because of the hoilday weekend has slowed the bite a bit for Atlantics but the Whitefish have still been quite cooperative. The amount of insects in the water right now is quite impressive-the hatch should peak out here very soon. The impressive size difference in Atlantics this year versus years past is still contuning-fish in the 8-12lb class have been the norm. Trout fishing continues to be productive when cloud cover & cool weather is present. Early mornings & late evenings are the best time to be on the water as a few Cahills & Caddis have fish looking up! Summertime in the U.P.-Trout & Atalntic Salmon! Can it get any better? 06-23-06 The experience of the qualtiy fishing we have had in the last week has pretty much left me speechless! Between Trophy Brown Trout and angry chrome Atlantic Salmon we have had simply phenomenal conditions. The boys from Hanks Fly Fishing Unlimited showed up for a outing and had a great time on the river! We spent the first days of the trip fishing resident Trout of Marquette County. Afternoons with the streamers produced some outstanding results and the evening spinnerfalls produced a good rise. A good mix of Blue Winged Olives, Iso's, Caddis, and some Cahills are still bringing fish up in the late evening hours along with a few ants on the warm afternoons. After they had their fill of Trout fishing we headed East to the St.Marys River to chase "the leaper"! After fighting Trout for a few days we had out hands full with the acrobatic Atalantic- these are the first fish showing up of the year(quite mean!). These fish are running big this year- average 8-11 lb's of chrome- not any easy task to get into the boat! Congrats to Mike & Donnie -who where lucky enough to get a couple meetings with some willing fish! The next month and a half of fishing will be peak in the St.Marys for Atlantic Salmon- expereince the fish of a lifetime! 06-16-06 Trout fishing continues to be lots of fun as cool weather has kept water temps low and the Trout hungry! Evening hatches of Blue Winged Olives, Sulphurs, Iso's, Caddis, and some Cahills have had lots of fish coming up to the surface for dinner. Every night the fish have been keying in on different bugs so it has kept the rise quite interesting. The streamer fishing this last week has produced some extra-large sized Browns & Brook Trout as well! During the mid-day hours before the hatch comes off we have been fishing the streamer-very exciting to say the least! Summer time is here in the U.P.- sunshine & flyrods- a great way to enjoy a day off work! 06-08-06 Dry fly fishing this last week has been about as good as it gets here in the Upper Peninsula! Heavy emergences of Brown Drakes, Sulphurs, Isonychia, and a few Cahills have made for some great evenings on the river. The warm days combined with the clear cool evenings produced ideal conditions for massive spinnerfalls which made the Trout very willing to rise! The forecast is calling for some cooler weather which should keep water temps ideal and the Trout looking up. The hatches have turned from a late afternoon to an evening emergence- the last hour of daylight and into the night has become the magic hour. As Trout fishing is in full swing the acrobatic fish from the East end of the U.P. are beginning to make their appearance! The first few Atlantic Salmon of year are beginning to show up in the St.Mary's River In Sault Ste. Marie. Check out the fishcam hosted by Lake Superior State University's ARL- This cam is positioned underwater @ the Edison Sault powerplant where we offer our guided outings for Atlantic Salmon. Youv'e heard about the fishery & thought about trying it for years- limited dates dates available June 22-Aug 30. Sunshine, Big water & Airborne Atlantic Salmon in Michigan-a unique adventure! 05-31-06 The last week has seen some very good insect activity which has the Trout of the U.P. looking up for dinner! Caddis, Sulphurs, Cahills, and even a couple very early Brown Drakes have been on the menu the last few days. Water levels have risen again after a few heavy thunderstorms dumped rainfall across marquette county-they will drop quickley over the next few days though. From the looks of the forecast the air temps are going to remain in the upper sixties the next week which will keep water temps perfect for insect activity! Sulphurs will be coming off strong for the next week or so - then the Drake emergence will begin. Dry fly fishing is upon us now-the most fun one can have while holding a flyrod! 05-22-06 Heavy rainfall had the rivers of Marquette County at flood stage last week-currently they have crested and are fishable. In the meantime the inland trophy managed Brook Trout lakes have been fishing phenomenal! Cold nights and cloudy days have created some great conditions top go after the super-sized Brookies that inhabit these lakes! This time of the year the cool water conditions have the resident Brookies looking for easy meals-streamers fished slow have been producing some aggresive strikes! Once the warmer weather hits these fish will sulk to the bottom where they will sit for the majority of rest of the summer-not moving for much. This week they are calling for a bit warmer weather than we have had lately- this should get some activity on the surface. Blue Winged Olives will be coming off this week and by this weekend we should start seeing the first few Sulphurs of the year. This June should be great dry fly fishing here in the U.P.- water levels are looking to be ideal and the Trout are happy with the water temp levels. A few peak dates left for dry fly fishing-have you reserved yours? 05-10-06 This week some very needed rainfall has been received by most of the Upper Peninsula, which is going to set us up very nicely for dry fly fishing! Rivers were running a bit low for this time of the year, but the last few days of rain is helping them our immensely as it cools water temps and provides moisture to a dry environment. Along with some good results from streamer fishing the Blue Winged Olive has been making a daily appearance which has some Trout looking towards the surface for a meal! The next week should see some pretty good hatches as the weather is looking quite favorable for the BWO to hatch is good #'s! Dry fly season is nearly upon us - the essence of the U.P.. 05-05-06 High winds & snow are some contributing factors that have made for some adverse fishing conditions this last week. Nonetheless surprisingly resident Brook & Brown Trout have been hungry! Water temps have been holding steady in the low 50's. Yesterday I saw the first mayflies of the year- a grand total of (2) Blue Winged Olives! Not to much longer and they should be coming off in good #'s. The Stoneflies are coming off around lunchtime daily - a quick large meal for a hungry Trout! A few Steelhead are still present - they are getting their spawning business done quickly and headed back to the big pond. The transition from Spring to Summer is under way - are you ready for Trout season? 04-27-06 Wipe the dust of the rods & see if the waders still fit! The holiest of all days is nearly upon us my friends- yes the official Trout Opener is this weekend! The last week of fishing here in the U.P. has been very productive for Steelhead as well as resident Trout. Water temp's are hovering around the 50 degree mark still so fresh Steelhead are still entering the rivers and the Trout are beginning to get a bit more active. Tiny Black Stoneflies have been hatching around noon which has drawn a few Trout to the surface for their first rise of the year. A pleasant sight after nymph fishing for six months! This is a weekend of traditions- friends, fish & memories. 04-20-06 Drumming Ruffed Grouse, Gobbling Toms & the red cheeks of the Steelhead indicate that Spring is here in the Upper Peninsula! Our warm dry weather trend has continued now making for one of the driest spring on recent record books here in Marquette County. Rivers are in good shape still, but we are in need of a good soaker of a storm. Water temps have been around the high 40's making for optimal spawning condtions. Small dull colored egg patterns & various nymph patterns have been quite effective this last week because of the clear water & bright sunny skies. The forecast is calling for rain the next three days- this should set us up for another two weeks of good Steelhead fishing! Not too much longer before the Brook Trout start getting hungry- have you reserved your day yet? The Trout of the Upper Peninsula are in need of your help! This week Marquette County's Salmon Trout River was listed as the Nations fourth most endangered river by American Rivers (a non-profit organazation with more than 75,000 members). The Salmon Trout River hosts the Upper Peninsula's last remaining wild run of Coaster Brook Trout. This very special fish may become a memory quite soon. Kennecott Minerals company is attempting to open a sulfide mine for nickel & copper mining nearly on the banks of this unspoiled stream. Acid mine drainage is unavoidable in this type of mining & would ruin the once flourishing population of Wild Coaster Brook Trout. Please contact State DEQ geologist Hal Fitch & voice your opnions in writing. (Eagle Project c/o Hal Fitch po box 30256 lansing, MI 48909-7756 04-12-06 Across the U.P. river levels are high due to heavy runoff conditions from the last two days of tropical like weather. Rain is in the forecast so the streams should remain high for the next few days at least. Water temps have been steadily climbing everyday bringing in fresh fish daily. Due to the heavy runoff water clarity is quite low (6 inches). Large bright egg patterns have been producing best when fished on seams & slow holes. Fishing slow & covering every inch of the water is key to catching fish in dirty water. Steelhead in the morning- a pleasant wake up call! 04-02-06 Heavy runoff conditions started late this last week with the unseasonably warm air temp's. Rivers across the U.P. have risen just below flood stage & are slowly working their way back down as meltoff has slowed. This runoff has brought up some fiesty fresh Steelhead which when hooked the the heavy runoff can be quite the battle! Water temps are still in the mid 30's & look to stay that way through this next week as the forecast calls for cold nights. Wild Steelhead in heavy water-spring is here in the U.P.!! 03-25-06 As we begin our journey into the Spring thaw the rivers of the U.P. are in great shape for a stellar fishing season! We had lost a large amount of our snowpack due to the early warm-up, but we have received substantial snowfall and unseasonably cold temps over the last two weeks that has set us up perfectly. The forecast is calling for warmer temps this next week so that should help us out in the fish department. Cold clear water has made for some difficult conditions as of lately. A few fresh Steelhead have made their way into the rivers but for the most part the fish that are being hooked are wintering fish. The resident Trout have been hungry for egg patterns this week , this is usually a good indicator for new fish soon to enter the river system. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth at the MFFC fly-fishing show in Warren, Mi this last weekend! We had a great time exchanging fishing stories & getting excited for the upcoming season! We still have some fantastic dates available for this Spring's Steelhead run. Superior Steelhead - there is a reason for the name! 03-01-06 Well so much for our warm weather trend here in the U.P. this Winter! The last two weeks temps have an average of 10 degrees below average. This deep freeze has caused the window of opportunity to shrink to a small time frame during the mid-afternoon hours. When the sun comes out in the morning & stays out all day it creates a small increase in the water temp during the midafternoon hours. This small increase in water temp causes a like increase in metabolism with Wintering Steelhead & Trout. Once the water temp starts to decline the fish go dormant again. This timing has been key the last few weeks to catch fish. When you do hit it right it can be alot of fun! The last week saw a very unique catch as two quality Brook Trout were landed in one outing! A very pleasing & different catch during the Mid-Winter season. The rivers will be starting to enter a transition period here soon with fresh Steelhead finding their way into the rivers as Spring gets close! Warmer days & runoff will start to bring in the first waves of annual Spring Steelhead. Get ready, it almost time for Spring!! 02-14-06 This last week seemed more like Winter up here in the U.P. as night time temps went well below zero and the first skim ice of the year was formed on Lake Superior. This cool off caused some tougher conditions than we have been used to on the rivers this Winter. Persistency & covering water with different approaches was the key to finding the fish eager to eat! From the looks of things our cold weather pattern is here to stay for a while so water conditions should stay quite consistent for the next week. The attached photo is of a fresh lake run Brown Trout landed this week, very rare to find such a silver fresh Brown this time of the year! Is cabin fever is setting in on you, give us a call/email to get on the river & out of the house!!! 01-31-06 This past week I was unable to spend much time on the water because I was testing for my U.S. Coast Guard 50 ton Masters Captain license. Happy to say that all the studying & classroom work paid off! This is something that I have always aspired to achieve & it will enable Riversnorth to grow into the future. This license will let us proudly now offer Atlantic Salmon trips from late June through late August in Sault Ste. Marie! This is a fishery that we are so very lucky to have in our backyard. Many people never get the chance to flyfish for Atlantic Salmon in their lifetime because of the cost of traveling to the remote rivers these fish inhabit. Luckily we have a very reliable run here in the U.P. thanks to Lake Superior State University's Aquactic Research Lab. Every year we look forward to the arrival of these fine fish with their high flying aerial shows they put on once hooked! This is an trip everyone should expereince; beautiful weather & hot chrome fish make for a great time! Locally this last week fishing still remains very consistent with a few silver Steelhead still moving into the rivers. This winter it seems as if every week we get a day over 35 degrees & if you can get out when the water temp warms a degree of two during the day it usuallty results in a few hookups. The prime time has been mid to late afternoon as the water has warmed to its maximum temp & the fish are feeling a bit more active. Covering water slowly produces when water conditions are cold & clear! Spring Steelhead is just around the corner, give us a call/email for avaiable dates to catch your wild Lake Superior Steel! 01-13-06 As the warm weather continues so does the good fishing here in the U.P.! It is a very strange sight to see blades of grass poking up through the snowpack in the beginning of January but this is a common sight as you are walking through the woods this Winter. This week air tems hit almost 50 degrees earlier which definitely caused a level of excitement with Steelhead & fisherman alike! The water temp warm up caused Steelhead & Trout to be on the bite looking around more than normal for a meal. Seams & any current break near deep water have been productive holding fish on the slower of the two sides. A well placed drift will give you the ever-so delightful feel a headshake on the end of your line! Now is the time with the pleasant weather to come up & try to catch the illusive Yooper Steel that you have been waiting for! |