February 24th, 2012
Winter continues to roll on here in Michigan’s U.P., but our snow levels are still well below where they should be at this point. River levels remain low & clear as this time of the winter is typically some of the lowest levels we will see. Steelhead and Trout are available, fishing can be challenging at times now as most fish have been in the rivers for quite some time. For those interested we have generated a petition that has been circulating around the state now gathering signatures in opposition to the proposed Brook Trout limit increase. If you are interested in helping to generate some signatures, please email me & i will happily forward over the proper form your way.

The image below of the Northern Lights I was able to capture last weekend as they made a good appearance early in the evening. A special sight here in the U.P that lights up the sky only a few times every year.

Visit “The Laughing Whitefish” blog for more info on Brook Trout Limit Increase Prop.-
February 2nd, 2012
Some nice Spring like weather has been present here in the Upper Peninsula over the past few days as temps reached upwards of 40 degrees. It is still very much Winter here as rivers are running cold, clear & low. Steelhead and resident Trout are displaying behavior typical of February & fishing can be challenging at times. High quality presentations & covering water thoroughly will give up some fishy rewards for the diligent angler. I’m hoping Winter decides to show up here soon, we will need more snow to ensure good water levels for the great lakes basin & inland fisheries.

On another note- there is currently a push here in the Upper Peninsula to have our creel limit of “5” Brook Trout per day increased to “10” Brook Trout per day. In this day of conservation we as anglers of the U.P. feel this in completely unnecessary & not a sound decision for the preservation of wild Brook Trout here in the U.P.. Right now this is pretty much in the infancy of the proposal still, but it has some alarming backing (including both of our U.P. NRC commissioners). So there is a good chance this will be passed. It rests upon the anglers who DO NOT want to see “10” wild Brook Trout creel limit to speak up to their NRC commissioner & MI DNR. Below I have posted a link from the local Marquette Mining Journal Newspaper about the proposed increase as well as a link to the NRC commissioners contact info.
Mining Journal Newspaper link–
NRC Commissioners Contact Info–
It’s time to step up & protect these wild Trout for future generations.