Surf & Turf

September 29th, 2009

Finally some relief from the heat & drought conditions here in the Upper Peninsula, over the last few days some descent rains & much colder temps has it feeling more like Fall!  Lots of options to choose from for the angler right now as this is such a fun time of the year to be out on the water.  The final countdown has begun for Trout season, only a couple days left to get your fix in!  Brook Trout fishing remains fairly solid & should be good for the last few days of the season with the cooler weather & less sunshine. Sporadic insect activity has a few fish looking up, but most Trout are primarily focused on nymphs & baitfish.  Chinook Salmon migrations have kicked in a bit more with the new rainfall & colder temps-surf casting as well as river fishing has been producing some nice fish.

Fall=Fly Fishers Delight!

More Sunshine

September 20th, 2009

The warm weather continues as some clouds & rain are very needed here across the Upper Peninsula.  Seems like every single day is no clouds & hot air temps for this time of the year.  Rivers are low & in need of a good refreshening.  A few new arrivals in the Salmon Department have shown up, not any real significant numbers have come screaming upstream.  No real relief is in sight with the 10 day forecast-this week being the final week of resident Trout season will find us chasing Trout instead of migratory fish.  The final farewell to yet another season of U.P. Trout fishing, seems like just yesterday we were getting excited about the big Brown Trout that followed our streamer or the first rising Brook Trout of the year.  Now, it is nearing the end of September & the leaves are beginning to color up. Wow, the fishing season sure does move by quickly. Resident Brook Trout are getting their spawning colors on & some great fish are currently available.  As the Trout season is ending yet another season beings, won’t be long & the chromest of chrome will be dancing on the end of our fly lines.  Fall Steelhead-sure can’t wait to feel the tug!

Rain Please!!