Trout opener weekend

April 23rd, 2015

Snow, yep snow & cold…. Seems as if every spring we endure this, we get a week of 60 degree bliss & then the snows move back in!  Such is the life, this is the U.P. right?  Currently streams have dropped into shape from the escalated water levels into typical spring flows.  Water had warmed up considerably w the warm weather, but now back into the 30’s for the most part.  Steelhead are available everywhere w varying numbers & fishing is day to day for the most part. A few resident Trout have been active & the first Brook Trout of the season made an appearance this past week which was a pleasant sight.  Opening day of trout season here on Saturday, lets the games begin & be courteous to others astream please.


Please check out the video below, we worked w local filmmaker/photographer Aaron Peterson on this project & he did a great job showcasing local Marquette County fly fishing venues. Click here to watch the new film “Testify” by Aaron, a tribute to local legend John Voelker. Aaron’s work w the camera is first class, check out his other work online or his website here.

UP Fly Fishing Guide

Yooper Brookie trout fly fishing

Time to help support an awesome U.P. local organization!!

Enter a chance to win a full day guided fishing outing for two anglers for Brook & Brown Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Steelhead, Muskies, Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass & Splake!

A $10 entry fee helps support Dr.Tracy Nyberg & her husband Dave Nyberg as they compete in Marquette County’s Dancing with the Stars program this late May. I’m partial to team Nyberg in this event, as this is my sister & brother in law!

All funds raised from this event support U.P. Home Health Hospice. We have all had someone in our life that hospice has helped out, show your support by donating to this fine cause! The more raffle tickets you buy, the better chance you have to go fishing!!

Entries to purchase raffle tickets for the guided fly fishing trip can be made online at http://www.gofundme.com/nwwpnc or at Downwind Sports in Marquette and with Dr.Tracy at Bayshore Vet Clinic in Marquette. If purchasing online, please note you are entering the fishing outing raffle.



Spring, now available…

April 13th, 2015

After a long cold winter here in Michigan’s U.P., it sure seems like fishing season is upon us now. Heavy runoff is on us after a late season winter storm that dumped 8 inches of wet snow across the region. Steelhead are present pretty much everywhere at this point, although numbers of fish vary from stream to stream. Some areas still have quite a bit of snow in the forest, more runoff to come which will cause escalated water levels for quite some time.

