Tis the season

October 30th, 2013

The cold weather seems here to stay as more snow & wet weather has blessed us lately.  Most rivers are running a bit high for this time of the season, which is nice to see.  Some good Steelhead opps are currently available for very high quality fish.  Water temps are a bit low for this time of the season, yesterday the first skim ice had formed on some areas.  Some Coho Salmon and Lake Run Brown Trout are also available at this time.

First Snow

October 22nd, 2013

Winter is starting to show its face here in the Upper Peninsula as our first snow fell from the sky yesterday, kind of early for this type of weather!  Currently fishing remains strong with some good opps available for Steelhead, Coho, and predator species.  Some high quality fish are around and can be caught on different techniques. Most rivers are running a bit high with the steady precipitation we have been receiving as of lately.  Forecast remains to look chilly, better wear another layer & pack the handwarmers :)