Fall Favorites

September 26th, 2013

What a great time of the year, sure wish autumn could last a few more months which such a variety of fishing opportunities present.  A big congrats go out to our clients as of lately, some great fishing on their parts with some fantastic rewards.  Predators of all species & sizes have been active lately, look for this to continue with the onset of the colder weather.  Currently some cold nights with beautiful daytime temps, this wont last long as the chilly days aren’t far off in the distance.

Grande Week

September 15th, 2013

Autumn in the Upper Peninsula, it’s the time of the year that I wish would last at least two months longer.  The biggest fish of the year, this is enough to get young and old excited!  It is rather overwhelming the fishing opportunities one is faced with this time of the season.  This past week saw saw length & girth inside the net, mega congrats to all our anglers who got the job done!