Cold Front

July 24th, 2013

A change of pace with some colder air has moved into the Upper Peninsula region, it has a hint of autumn in the air the last few crisp mornings.  Fishing has been fairly normal for this time for the season as water temps are about on par w historical averages.  A mixed bag of species is available on the St. Marys, but water temps are beginning to climb.  We have boated several spring chinook this season on the river, which is a good sign for the wild pacific salmon population. Most of our major mayfly hatches have occurred at this point across the U.P., but trout can be caught on a variety of attractor patterns as well as nymphs & streamers.  Smallmouth & Pike fishing has been good as well in areas.  Get out & cast a fly :)

U.P. Fishing Report

July 16th, 2013

No need for gloves & winter hats anymore here in the Yooperland, feeling like the islands here as of lately!  Such a fantastic time of the year to enjoy fishing here in the U.P..  Congrats to our clients on some magnificent fish as of lately, some hot fish that have made some wonderful memories.  Atlantic Salmon are present as well as a mix bag of other species on the St.Marys.  Inland some descent resident Trout opps are going w a variety of different flies bring fish to the top.  Also, Bass fishing has been good as well as the others warm water species.  Don’t complain about the heat, embrace it!!!