Like fishing? Thank a Vet!

May 28th, 2013

Currently here in the U.P. spring is slowly fading into Summer time as our fishing options are expanding on a daily basis.  Trout fishing is available across the region as rivers are ranging from high to average flows for this time of the fishing season.  For the most part rivers are running on the high side still fromt he late Spring & constant state of runoff we have been enduring.  This higher water provides tons of natural food for resident trout, this will provide us with some healthy fish this year. Some surface fedding activity has been present, but is not reliable.  Hatches are Stoneflies, Caddis, Blue Winged Olives and Hendricksons-these hatches should be getting more active with warming water temps.

The warm water predators have also been getting a bit more active as they are just getting done with their spawning duties and some have not even spawned as of yet.  Most fish have been shallow in the warmest water available, this should change soon as temps are warming quickly.  So far, big appetites from smaller fish :)

Upper Peninsula Fly Fishing Report

May 19th, 2013

Seasons are changing here in the U.P. as we have blessed with some fantastic weather as of lately.  Daytime highs in the low 70’s have a feel of early summertime in the air, a nice change of pace to say the least!  Right now there is a multitude of opportunities available for the fly angler, a nice time of the year to visit.  Resident Brook and Brown Trout have been getting more active with the warming waters and our guests have found some high quality fish as of lately.  More and more insects have been showing-Hendricksons, Blue Winged Olives, Caddis and some Stoneflies have a few fish looking up. Some Steelhead are available for those who are still interested.