December 22nd, 2012
Finally some nice snows across the Upper Peninsula, now Santa should be able to make his rounds with ease :) More seasonable temps are around now and it looks to be that way for the near future at least. Some areas received well over a foot of snow which was very needed as we were pretty much bare of snow pack. Rivers came up a bit from some rains in areas and now are stable, water temps have fish in Winter mode. Some nice Steelhead as well as Lake Run Browns are available, working slow and low will provide some grabs. From our family to you and yours this Christmas, we wish you a memorable holiday season!

December 11th, 2012
More seasonable temps lately have had ice in the guides, which is an occurrence that hasn’t been to normal so far this early Winter. The melt off of the snow we recently had caused some streams to come up considerably while others seemingly remained unaffected from the run off. Over the weekend more snows fell and replaced the melted snow pack. Water temps are in the lower to mid 30’s and fish are in Winter mode for the most part. Areas that are easy for fish to rest and eat should be targeted, some nice Steelhead and Brown Trout are available at this time. Don’t forget to pick up a gift certificate for a guided fly fishing outing for the angler in your life!