Lucious Ladies

November 28th, 2012

Quite the change in weather here across the Upper Peninsula over the course of one week.  We go from 60 degree weather to daytime highs in the 20’s-that will even make a fish scratch their head :)  Right now it is pretty much winter fishing conditions (cold & clear water) as ice is present in some river areas & many lakes are beginning to freeze up.  Regardless of the funky weather, there are some nice fish around-just takes some more patience on some days verses others when tossing flies. Thanks to Erik from Snap T productions on the stunning Steelhead photo below he took while spending the day w us.

Buck Deerz

November 17th, 2012

Well, it’s deer season here in the U.P.-a sort of holiday here in the northwoods of Michigan!  For those looking to take the rod out instead of the rifle, some nice fish are available.  Steelhead, Lake Run Brown Trout and resident Trout are available, both nymphs and streamers are catching fish at this time.  Water levels and clarity are nice for this time of the year, some consistent rains have kept levels up.  Forecast looks like unseasonably warm weather is coming, seems to be getting normal for this time of the year. Best of luck to all the hunters & enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!