From DC to da U.P.!

April 22nd, 2012

Well, back home here in the Upper Peninsula after a very fulfilling trip to Washington Dc with the Save Bristol Bay coalition.  During our 4 day trip we met with key White House environmental staff, the administrator of the EPA, and many state legislators.  Our task was to inform these people of the adverse impact the proposed Pebble Mine site would have on this world class fishery.  It was a unique coalition that was formed; it consisted of people from 40 states.  It was absolutely wonderful to have individuals from the sport & commercial fishing industry as well as the native tribes all join forces to fight to preserve a wild place.  I met some great people on this trip, people who genuinely care about the cause that they are fighting for.  Very soon the EPA will release the watershed assessment of the region the proposed mine is located, this science will tell if this project can be situated in such a environmentally sensitive area.  Last season over 5,500 Michigan residents purchased fishing licenses in Alaska & many Michiganders seasonally work in the Alaska fishing industries, so it’s safe to say our fine state has some interest in this situation.  Please tell your legislator that you oppose the Pebble Mine project in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region & visit Save Bristol Bay for more info.  Pictured below are some images i captured during the Sportsman’s Summit in Dc-one of which is the space shuttle discovery flying over the Capitol on her way to retirement, this way a very special sight to see.

Now for the actual fishing report :)

Finally some much needed rainfall blessed us & rivers received a new shot of water.  Water levels are much better now than they have been, more like normal with a bit of color.  Water temps are in the low 40’s most places as cold nights & seasonable daytime temps have helped.  Steelhead are still available in varying numbers as well as some nice resident Trout.  Some aquatic insects can be seen, primarily BWO’s at this time-some sporadic rising of Trout has been seen.  The annual “Opening Day” is upon us this coming weekend here in Michigan, best of luck to everyone venturing out!

Save Bristol Bay!

April 13th, 2012

Still in a state of low water & lack of rainfall here in the U.P., starting to wonder if it will ever rain again?  Still some Steelhead available, at this point most fish are drop backs as very little silver ones remain.  Water temps are still in the low 40’s and the water doesn’t get any more clear than it currently is.  Some sporadic activity of insects can be seen from day to day- BWO’s & a couple Caddis.

I’m off on a mission for a few days once again to Washington DC to meet with the Obama Administration/EPA at the White House as well as several key legislators.  This trip to our nations capitol is to help Save Bristol Bay, AK from invasive mining-something us U.P. residents are quite familiar with.  Bristol Bay is home to some of the worlds finest Rainbow Trout fishing & provides 50% of the commercial Salmon we enjoy as consumers.  The proposed “Pebble Mine” in located at the headwaters of this pristine wild Salmon & Trout fishery, the devestative results of this mine could be unparalleled.  Hoping “The Sportsman’s Summit” can convince our government that this mine is a bad decision.