Livn’ Right….

September 25th, 2011

A large variety of fly fishing options are currently available here in the U.P.-fair to good numbers of Chinook, Coho & Pink Salmon are available and resident Trout fishing has been good.  Brook Trout are displaying their colors right now as its almost time for them to get busy.  Northern Pike have also been coming to the fly well with the cooler water temps. Water levels remain low and water temps are about normal for this time of the season.

On another front, I just received an appointment from Gov. Snyder to represent the Upper Peninsula on the new Blue Ribbon Panel for improvement on State Parks & overall Public Recreation.  We are very blessed here in Michigan to have such abundant natural resources, this is a great opportunity to personally help ensure that future generations can enjoy these benefits of living in this fine State.  This is a great honor, I look forward to this endeavor & will proudly represent the U.P..



September 20th, 2011

Fall is in the air here in the Upper Peninsula as the leaves begin to change and the nice crisp Autumn morning air greets the angler.  A nice mixed bag of fishing opportunities are currently available – Coho & Chinook Salmon are present as well as resident Trout and some toothy critters that have made their way to the end of our fly lines. Some rain has fell, but many streams remain very low for this time of the year.  Water temps continue to drop with the cooler air temps and are at a normal level for this time of the season.