So much for Spring

March 27th, 2011

Winter is back with a vengeance here, high air temps have been in the mid 20’s & some areas received some significant snowfall over the course of the past week. Steelhead fishing across the U.P. remains productive but not easy with water temps in the low 30’s. Water levels range from low to high depending upon river system but streams have dropped considerably with the cold weather.  Right now it has the feel of Winter Steelhead fishing verses Spring.

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Has Spring Sprung?

March 20th, 2011

Snow pack has taking a major hit this week with the above normal air temps & rain, looks like another early Spring at this point of the game.  Although the forecast for this next week is rather brutal, highs in the mid 20’s only so that should ease the onset of Spring for a bit.  Across the U.P. rivers have come up some & dirtied up a bit, this has brought in some new Steelhead to some river systems.  Brown Trout remain active as well with some good fish available. Water temps are still very cold in the mid 30’s and should stay that way for a while.  A small amount of tiny Stoneflies were seen with the warmer weather, which is a sure sign of Spring.

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