Happy Holidays

December 25th, 2010

Ho Ho Ho-Merry Christmas from the Upper Peninsula!  Such a wonderful time of the year to spend time with family & friends-we hope that everyone enjoys this beautiful holiday season.  A heartfelt thanks to all our friends who has supported Riversnorth over the years & we look forward to many more memories over the years :)


Bah Humbug!

December 17th, 2010

Right now open water fishing conditions are about as tough as it can get, probably the coldest & most ice I have ever seen for this time of the year.  It has been downright nasty with snow & cold, the last few days have provided for a much needed break with air temps hitting the upper 20’s which has felt warm!  Steelhead & Trout are present with good presentations getting some opportunities for the angler willing to venture out on the river.  The real battle once you are lucky enough to hook a fish is actually getting it to the net, shelf ice & ice flows give the fish plenty of advantage to win.  The forecast is calling for a warm up, ill beleive it when i see the thermometer actually rising :)

Is it almost Spring yet?  Buy a gift certificate & lets go fishing!
