Rain Event

September 23rd, 2010

A mixed bag of Pinks, Cohos & Chinook Salmon are currently available here in the Upper Peninsula, fish numbers are still largely different from river to river.  Fall colors are also present now, some areas are nearly @ peak while other areas are barely starting to turn.  Look for rivers to rise considerably as some heavy rains are currently happening and some counties are calling for flooding as 3 inches of rain is predicted.

Autumn-the best time, just too damn short!!

Awesome Autumn

September 16th, 2010

Pacific Salmon numbers have been increasing across the Upper Peninsula as some good rains and cold nights have rivers in good shape for this Fall.  Currently fish numbers vary largely from river to river as different areas of the U.P. have been getting more rain than others.  Fall is such a great time, a time to fish a variety of techniques that can produce some beautiful fish.

Ho Ho Ho!