Dry Fly Season

May 28th, 2010

Brown Drakes, Sulphurs, Caddis, Bwo’s, & Black Quills-just to name a few of the smorgasbord of bugs hatching right now.  The unseasonable warm weather has us about 2 weeks or so ahead of schedule on our emergence of insects.  Some excellent opportunities have been available as of lately for the dry fly enthusiasts.  Looks like weather is going to get back to normal after this weekend, so hopefully it keeps the fish looking up for their next meal!

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend-Thank a Veteran!

Global Warming

May 20th, 2010

High sun & downright arid-those are the only words I can think of the explain the weather as of lately here in the Upper Peninsula, feels more like July than May.  No rain all week has us back at very low water levels & warming water temps with the unseasonably warm temps.  Nonetheless the Trout fishing has been good-some strong insect activity has fish looking up.  Brook & Brown Trout have been taking full advantage of the insects on the surface & some quality opportunities are available.

Troutn in da Yoop-a family tradition…..