Rain/Snow Please……

March 29th, 2010

Low water levels across the Upper Peninsula has made for some more challenging fishing over the past week. Nonetheless some good opportunities are available for the angler that is willing to put some time in.  The current conditions have fish slowly moving into river systems verses in higher water conditions Steelhead are more eager to join the party.  Cold nights has slowed the run off and nearly all of our snow pack is gone, thus the low/clear water.  Water temps are ranging from 34 to 40 degrees depending upon river system, look for temps to increase this week as daytime temps are forecasted to be in the 60’s (not spring temps!).

I cant believe that I’m wishing for a blizzard……..

March Madness

March 21st, 2010

More seasonable temps have settled in accross the Upper Peninsula and we seem to be back to normal for the time being in the heat wave department!  There still is some snow left in the shaded parts of the woods, but we are defintely low on snowpack.  Rivers are running above normal for this time of March & ranging anywhere from mid 30’s to 40 degrees.  The recent cold nights (6 degrees last night) has stabilized the rising water temps and no active spawning of Steelhead has occured yet.  The recent higher water/warming water temps has provided for some good opportunities- Steelhead as well as resident/Lk Run Brown Trout fishing has been productive and fun!

Sunshine on my shoulders in March.. Good Stuff…