February 26th, 2010
This week found me in our nations capitol meeting with legislators about the health of our Great Lakes. Â Ed McCoy and myself attended Great Lakes Day in Washington, DC to represent the Michigan River Guides Association in the the fight against the invasion of the Asian Carp.
Great Lakes Day is a gathering of over 100 conservationists from across the Great Lakes region, our main reason in attending was to voice our concern on invasive species. Â We met with many of our Michigan legislators to discuss their stand on this issue, they feel that the Asian Carp is a direct threat to Michigan’s destination sport fishery as well as the recreational boating industry. Â It was very refreshing to hear such positive comments from our elected officials, the federal action plan that has been drawn up has many questionable aspects. Â Our Michigan legislators have been very diligent in releasing new bills to Congress that have addressed a better approach to the Asian Carp issue. Â Please contact your local legislator to voice your opinion on this issue-the future of the Great Lakes depends upon the you taking a stand!

February 13th, 2010
A little over a week ago the fly fishing world lost a friend, Paul Gary was an avid angler/gifted artist that spent many a days every season upon the rivers of Michigan & beyond. Paul’s passion for fishing was very evident in his breathtaking artwork , the fish that adorned the canvas all held a special place in his heart. His artwork is very unique, the fish displayed were fish that he had caught as an angler-his artwork was all about the fish, not the angler (as a tribute to the fish). Paul had an infectious personality, he was always smiling & enjoying life to the fullest-even when times were a bit tough for him, he used the fly rod as his peace of mind.
Paul especially enjoying fly fishing the St.Marys River for Atlantic Salmon-he created several pieces of artwork that featured some great fish. He was very appreciative of the work Lake Superior State University ARL has put into the Atlantic Salmon program. He stressed how special the Atlantic Salmon fishery was & enjoyed every moment he was able to spend pursing this great fish.
We have been working on putting together a memorial fund to honor Paul Gray at Lake Superior State University. The fund will be used to help fund the LSSU Arl that raises the Atlantic Salmon that call the St.Marys River home. The ARL is fully responsible for all the Atlantic Salmon of the St.Marys, I know Paul would smile if he knew he would be part of someone else enjoying this great fishery that he so much enjoyed.
If you enjoy this fishery or knew Paul, please feel free to contact riversnorth@yahoo.com or rgreil@lssu.edu for more information. All donations to the ARL are tax deductable.

Green Flannels Catch Mad Fish- Rest in Peace Paul………