Back to Winter

March 27th, 2009

Steelhead fishing provided some more fun this past week as fish seemed to be interested in a variety of techniques.  Swinging streamers, Indy nymphing & Bottom bouncing all produced some quality Steelhead.  Nothing beats the feel of a chromer grabbing a streamer-if you haven’t tried this it is by far the most exciting & rewarding way to catch a Steelhead! Water temps are cold-most rivers are running anywhere from 32-36 degrees, these temps are going to stay this way or even drop over the course of the next week.  Forecast is calling for highs in the mid 30’s & lows @ night in the 20’s-this will stop the runoff & keep water temps cold.  The early warm up this Spring caused us to lose a fair amount of our snow, but now we are back on track for a “normal” Spring.  We should be a good waters levels for quite some time this year!

Steelhead-quite possibly more addictive than beer!

Snow & Steel

March 22nd, 2009

More seasonable weather has been present lately here in the U.P.- some snowfall & colder temps have slowed the melt off that was occurring last week.  Rivers have risen & dirtied up with the run off that occurred-water temps have been holding steady @ around 34 degrees.  Currently though with the colder weather the melt off has dramatically slowed and we are back at where we should be historically for this time of the year.  Some fresh Spring run Steelhead have migrated upstream with the increase in water flows-very refreshing to see some chrome fish around!  Forecast is calling for warmer temps this week & some rain-sounds good to me.  Still quite a bit of snow around-Spring isn’t here quite yet!

Head up to the U.P. this Spring for your steelhead fishing-non combat style steelheading in Michigan!