A Thank You

December 25th, 2008

As we enjoy the Christmas holidays with our families & maybe sneak away for a few hours to wet a line, we should sit back & thank the brave few who have made it possible for us to live the lives we are used to.  Fishing is so much more than just casting a fly rod, it is an escape from reality.  Nothing frees your mind from the thoughts that fog your senses like wading into a river to pursue a fish.  This year for Christmas, thank someone in your life that made it possible for you to enjoy your passion in life.

Merry Christmas & Thanks to all veterans!

Damn it’s Cold!

December 11th, 2008

Adverse conditions pretty much sums it up!  Air temperatures have been below normal for a while now here in the U.P. & it has been making for some challenging conditions with iced up guides/reels/numb extremities.  Seems like everyday it has been around 15-17 degrees for a high-a slight warm up with maybe even some rain is forecasted for this upcoming weekend.  Water conditions are very clear & cold-sly presentations/covering water thoroughly has been key to get some tugs.  There are some very great fish currently available if you are willing to endure the cold fingers!  Steelhead, Lake Run Browns & Coho are present & have been providing some bent rods here in the frozen tundra! Lakes around the U.P. have iced over & the first ice fishing of the year has begun.  A great way to kick back with friends & enjoy a U.P. tradition!  Be careful though as not all lakes are safe yet.

It is amazing how quick one can warm up once you feel a headshake & see a crimson sided Steelhead on the other end of your line!