Smallmouth Bass, Musky & Other Species
Smallmouth Bass, Carp, Northern Pike and Muskies; the Upper Peninsula of Michigan offers some excellent warm water fly fishing opportunities in the Midwest’s most pristine environments.
Riversnorth has developed the areas most comprehensive cutting edge fly-fishing program for some spectacular fisheries that only can be found right here in the U.P..Whether it be wading or fishing via boat, the U.P. has some fantastic rivers and lakes to pursue these warm water species. Many anglers scoff at the idea of casting a fly to anything other than a Trout or Steelhead. These skeptics will eat their words as these warm water fishes are just as intelligent as any Trout and will leave you as a better angler than when you started your day. Some of the most beautiful water in the U.P. hosts these species and pound for pound they are some of the hardest fighting fish that swim!
The Smallmouth Bass or Micromouth of the U.P. is a downright awesome fish to cast a fly to.
Smallmouth will attack a streamer with a vengeance and devour a popper off the surface, what’s not to like about this? We pursue these fish on rivers as well as lakes across the U.P., these areas are some of the most beautiful places to cast a fly here in the U.P.! This fishing is great for all skill levels of anglers, Smallmouth are a predatory species that can be quite aggressive. The behavior that Smallmouth Bass display while eating a fly is impressive. Arm jolting rips on streamers and straight up explosions on top water flies, this is Smallmouth fly fishing! These fish have quickly become one of our favorite fish to guide our guests for, they are exciting to fish for and quite rewarding! It is a great opportunity to work on long casting, overall technique & a nice suntan ☺
Muskie, the single hardest freshwater fish to catch on a fly. Some would even venture to say the hardest fish that swims to catch on a fly period!
If you are looking for a true adventure, let us be your host for fishing in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We have developed the UP’s most extensive Muskie fly fishing program on a wide variety of water.
Are these fish easy to catch? Heck no, but with Riversnorth’s experience and guidance the reality of landing the Muskie of a lifetime is a possibility for you! Our knowledge & cutting edge techniques have a very high rate of success for our Muskie anglers. Having success on the water directly correlates with being confident, knowing when, why and where makes for a successful outing. Join us on a quest for the apex predator of freshwater, this is not for the faint of heart! Big flies, big fish & memories that last a lifetime! Once you have landed a Muskie on a fly you are part of an elite group of fly anglers, reserve your day to swing for the fences! Nothing compares…..
The predators; Northern Pike and Musky are the top of the food chain here in the U.P. and are absolutely great fish to pursue on the fly.
These two fish devour streamers and top water flies in quite scary fashion! These carnivorous creatures are two addicting species to chase; their unique characteristics make them about as an aggressive of a species as there is in the fishing world. Some of the flies we cast for these toothy creatures are larger than some of the Brook Trout that inhabit nearby rivers & lakes! Large rods such as 9 or 10 weights deliver these giant flies with ease, so no need to worry as we provide a nice selection of top end rods/reels to choose from during your visit. Many rivers and lakes are home to both of these species here in the U.P., world-class fisheries are available for the fly fisherman who dares to cast for a fish of a lifetime. Seeing a Musky or Pike over 3 feet long follow your fly to your rod tip and then inhale it while you figure eight the fly pattern is an experience like no other. Let us be your host and teach you how to fool one of these monsters into eating your fly!
Carp fishing; you’ve probably heard about this, but have you had the opportunity to give this a shot yet?
You may think “why would I want to fly fish for Carp”? Well, Carp are smarter and more illusive than any Trout we have ever met & they are a perfect fish to chase on the fly. Areas of the U.P. offer some excellent opportunities at casting to some truly magnum class freshwater bonefish! Sight fishing to schools of actively feeding carp is one of the coolest experiences available in the region. It is quite technical fishing that requires patience & some long casting ability, not recommend for the novice. Once hooked up the fun has just begun; these fish usually take many strong runs, which leaves the angler deep into their backing on most occasions. Many times conditions are challenging & fish are very smart; Carp are by far some of the most intelligent fish you will ever cast at fly at. A different experience that you will surely enjoy!